Caskets for
Sale; Buy for a Lot Less
The Casket You Buy Alone can Lower Funeral Costs by Thousands
Finding Caskets for sale, with the advent of the discount
casket store has dramatically changed the cost of final arrangements
made for funerals due to the Federal Trade Commissions Funeral Rule
implementation in 1984. To buy a casket, it used to cost thousands.
Today to buy a similar casket the price can be only hundreds of
dollars. This is significant since nearly half the cost of a
traditional funeral is generally the price of the casket. It is not
surprising to see a casket that cost $4,000 from a funeral home be
offered by a third party discount casket store for less than half that.
If your final arrangements call for a casket or you must
purchase one because of a death you need to know where and how to
purchase. Of all the information and services available on the Internet
about the funeral, cemetery and cremation that about discount caskets
is the easiest to find. It will be up to you to decide if you want to
purchase from a local Discount Casket Store in your area like you would
for any large ticket item or if you want to order over the internet or
phone. The only thing we at Final Arrangements Network want you to
remember is that a great deal of money can be saved using a third party
casket provider.
Under the FTC's Funeral Rule, mentioned above, you have every
right to purchase from a third party casket provider and your funeral
director will not penalize you or charge you a fee of any kind for
handling. The generally the price you pay for caskets purchased from a
funeral home is two to two and one half times the wholesale cost.
If you are going to have a casket as part of your final
arrangements preplanning, below are some
sources for information on caskets and discount casket stores we have
found or have asked to be listed here to help your final arrangements
preplanning program.
Caskets for
A Sampling of the wide variety of Caskets for Sale available to you
from your Funeral Director, Local Retailer or an Internet Wholesaler
If your site has content on this subject that our clients should
You may request an informational paid text link like the ones
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Caskets for
Sale of All Types, Preferences, Need and Position are available in a
wide range of prices from Funeral Home Directors and Internet Sellers
whenever You will Need One.